Monday, February 21, 2011


So last time I gave blood they told me my blood type. They even gave me a handy-dandy card! However, last April, some turd broke into my car last year and stole my wallet that accomodated my handy-dandy DNA card. So, consequently, I am not able to start this blog out by identifying my blood type. Boo.

So, blood. It's kind of the core of... well... life. It absolutely makes me squirm when I see it on TV, especially when it is squirting out of some guy's jugular after being stabbed in the neck with a rusty pair of scissors... or something like that... I'm just saying... that's gross. When I was in college I remember saying, "I'd rather have a thousand paper cuts and take a bath in lemon juice than study any more." In reality, that would hurt... a lot... and I would rather study than have that unfortunate occurrence happen to me.

But it's everywhere and, like I said, it is in the core of all of us. So that is why I'm starting this blog on this topic. Because it is the core.

Here's a little information about my blood:
  • I'm filled with lots of it.
  • Most people would consider my blood to be Irish because of my kin-folk. I also have a bit of French and Czechoslovakian.
  • It is red... like Razorback red. (Oh, and blue too when it is not filled with oxygen, but I don't associate myself with any blue teams).
  • The DNA inside of my blood is a combination of the chromosomes from my father, Geoff, and my mother, Kathy. People often say that I look like my mother, but act like my father (This is a good thing, because why would I want to look like a balding, bearded man?).
  • "Nothing But the Blood of Jesus" is one of my favorite hymns. I know that this doesn't directly pertain to my blood, but it is in there. His blood is what I am most thankful for.
  • Things that get my blood pumping fast are: laughing hard; being in super uncomfortable situations; driving fast (I mean REALLY fast); heights; and, of course, jumping jacks.

I have named this blog Simple Shananigans because it's basically the best way to define my life. I have been nicknamed Shananigans since I was in high school. Shenanigans is defined as: silly or high spirited behavior; mischief. I think most would agree that I'm usually high spirited and rather silly... so there you have it. I sincerely hope that this blog will also cover more than the daily, random occurrences of my life; but also some ideas of what is most important in my life and why.


  1. welcome to the blog world! i can only anticipate fun stories of such shananigans as shannon gets into :) i simply can't wait! i love you and hate the sight of blood, but i guess the love of you overwhelmed me b/c i'm loving this blood-themed entry; what a great way to describe yourself! look at you go, girl. xoxo

  2. I can't wait to keep up with this! And I would probably avoid paper cuts and lemon juice because luckily you get paid to study now (only if you have to of course). Love ya girl!
